What Does a Digital Inspection Probe Do? | TMG Equipment For more effective and configurable inspections, TMG offers the digital fibre inspection probe. Check out our blog and get in touch to learn more!

What Does a Digital Inspection Probe Do

Digital Inspection Probe Do

 What Does a Digital Inspection Probe Do?

Since the invention of the fibre optic cable in the 1950s, these technological marvels have been inspected with the utmost care, using either the human eye or visual inspection probes. 

The latter has previously been used to send a beam of light along the cable, with undamaged cables allowing the light to pass through to the other end. But in more recent times, the digital fibre inspection probe has taken any guesswork out of such practices while improving inspection accuracy.

TMG Equipment has built a leading range of testing tools for Australian technicians to improve their quality of work. VIAVI is one brand leading the way in fibre inspection tools, and the FBP-P5000 digital inspection probe has changed the game. 

As VIAVI’s only master distributor for Australian contractors, TMG is proud to present this blog and educate you on the benefits of digital inspections.

So, what do digital inspection probes do, you ask? 


Remove Human Subjectivity

TMG offers the FBP-P5000 in conjunction with VIAVI’s inspection software, FiberChek2. This product pairing offers a fail-safe solution for fibre optic technicians, with both inspection and analysis capabilities. 

The digital probe connects directly to the bulkhead (female) and patch cord (male) sides of the cable, analysing and sending the information via USB to a laptop. 

From here, FiberChek2 identifies and characterises defects and cable contamination, before revealing their location relative to the fibre core. The advanced software can be relied upon for accurate results much more than previous solutions, saving the technician’s time and the customer’s money.


Offer Configurable Criteria

However, technicians fear not, there is still plenty of work to be done. In fact, FiberChek2 and the digital probe allow for configurable criteria to be preset to determine a pass/fail result on the cable.

Defects and contamination around the fibre core surface typically affect light transmission most significantly, so they call for the most aggressive examination. To combat this, FiberChek2 defines multiple concentric zones around the core, allowing technicians to establish various defect categories, including contamination, pit/chip and scratches. 


Standardise & Archive Results

By improving accuracy and offering configurable criteria, inspection results can be more consistent across inspections. This allows for a more effective grading process across entire fibre networks, making life easier for technicians and end-users alike. 

To learn from these new digital processes, technicians can use FiberChek2 to save results in a HTML or PDF format. This offers a better overview of fibre networks than before, as results can be compared with accuracy and confidence. 


Need to Know More?

We’re passionate about improving the lives of Australia’s fibre optic inspectors. They keep the country’s telecommunications networks running smooth, and without them the digital age would grind to a halt. 

For them, we offer a high-quality range of testing equipment, making their lives as convenient as possible. If you’re unsure about the effectiveness of a digital fibre inspection probe, get in contact with TMG Equipment for further advice.

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