Hameg EMC-PCS3 EMC Precompliance Set, 3 GHz EMC Precompliance Set, 3 GHz Hameg_EMC_PCS3 EMC-PCS3 TMG Test Equipment

Hameg EMC-PCS3 EMC Precompliance Set, 3 GHz

Hameg EMC-PCS3 EMC Precompliance Set, 3 GHz
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Hameg EMC-PCS3 EMC Precompliance Set, 3 GHz

The EMI pre compliance Set from HAMEG consist of all necessary instruments and software to measure typical EMI problems. It includes the modern spectrum analyser HMS3000, the Line Impedance Stabilization Network HM6050-2 , the HZ540 probe set and the HM EMC PreCom software for Windows.

  • 3 GHz Spectrum Analyser
  • Frequency Range 100kHz…1GHz
  • Sweep Time 20ms…1000s
  • Resolution Bandwidth 100Hz…1MHz in 1–3 Steps, 200kHz (-3dB), additional 200Hz, 9kHz, 120kHz, 1MHz (-6dB)
  • Video Bandwidth 10Hz…1MHz in 1–3 Steps
  • HM6050-2
  • Line Impedance Simulation Network
  • Measurement of Line-conducted Interference within the Range from 9kHz…30MHz (CISPR 16) Switchable Transient Limiter
  • Artificial Hand Connector
  • HZ540
  • The HZ540 Probe Set consists of three active broadband probes for EMI diagnosis.
  • H-field probe
  • High-impedance probe
  • E-field probe
  • HM PreCom EMC
  • Spectrum Analyser software HM PreCom EMC to make the EMI pre complicance measurements.( support Standard Interface HO720 RS232/USB and Windows 32 Bit)
  • [Hameg_EMC_PCS3]
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