VIAVI Nano OSA Modules - 4100-Series Optical Spectrum Analyser Compact Nano OSA modules offering high resolution measurement over full wavelength band for channel verification and spectral analysis in a field rugged package for the deployment of any WDM service. VIAVI_Nano_Modules Nano OSA Modules TMG Test Equipment
VIAVI Solutions

VIAVI Nano OSA Modules - 4100-Series Optical Spectrum Analyser

VIAVI Nano OSA Modules - 4100-Series Optical Spectrum Analyser
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VIAVI Nano OSA Modules - 4100-Series Optical Spectrum Analyser

The Nano OSA modules are the first optical channel verifier (OCV) and optical spectrum analysis (OSA) modules to offer high-resolution performance coupled with full band coverage for dense WDM channel analysis for today and tomorrows Metro and Access network applications.

Part of the 4100 series modules can be paired with multiple VIAVI platforms to combine Optical Spectrum Analysis with Ethernet/BERT, OTDR or Wireless RF test, providing a single solution for high-speed WDM service activation and maintenance.

Modules are the smallest and toughest field spectral test solution available today. Combining the ability to program and validate pluggable transceivers in the field enabling faster link activation and improved first time turn-up rate.

Key Features
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