Regatron G5.UNV - Universal Regenerative DC Source Sink Series Universal Regenerative DC Source Sink Series Regatron-G5-UNV G5.UNV TMG Test Equipment

Regatron G5.UNV - Universal Regenerative DC Source Sink Series

Regatron G5.UNV - Universal Regenerative DC Source Sink Series
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Regatron G5.UNV - Universal Regenerative DC Source Sink Series

G5.UNV - Universal Regenerative DC Source Sink Series

TestThe G5.UNV series is bidirectional regenerative and can operate in CV, CC, CP, CR, and Ri-Sim control modes. It is universally applicable and therefore suitable for all industrial and scientific applications in laboratories and on test benches.

The modular and finely graded G5.UNV series is characterized by highly dynamic response times, adjustable filter time constants, and a wide current-voltage range with an auto-ranging factor 3. The power supplies of the G5.UNV series are equipped with the function and software modules for the simulation of energy storage devices and solar arrays as well as for the testing and evaluation of batteries and fuel cells. The engineer therefore has a power supply available that easily covers a wide range of applications.

Whether for single devices or powerful multi-device master-slave systems, REGATRON also offers turnkey cabinet solutions or project specific system integration according to customer specifications.

Applications and Features

The G5.UNV series is the fully equipped all-rounder! It contains all necessary function and software modules for the simulation of energy storage devices and solar arrays as well as for the testing and evaluation of batteries and fuel cells.

Various excellent features such as switchable filter time constants and adjustable controller settings as well as the integrated powerful 8-channel digital scope assist the user to quickly and easily achieve optimal system behaviour for a special customer application. The G5.UNV series also offers the possibility to store, edit, and recall any device configuration on board the power supply.

Time-Based Function Generator

The TFE time-based function generator allows programming either through G5.Control operating software, HMI touch display, or CANmp interface.

  • Time-dependent functions U = f(t), I = f(t), P = f(t): sine, triangle, or square as well as user-defined data points.  Import and export through csv files supported
  • Sweep function for current ripple modulation 0…10 kHz

Solar Array Simulation

As a PV simulator the G5.UNV series features especially low capacitance values in the output filter stage, switchable earth leakage resistors, and the versatile application software SASControl. The powerful platform for R+D and testing of PV inverters fully complies with the efficiency measurement procedures for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in inverters as described in EN 50530. Core of the application software SASControl is a versatile script programming system which allows the easy implementation of individual programming sequences. Report generation of measured data is included.

Battery Simulation

As a battery simulator the G5.UNV series realistically and dynamically simulates both the electro-chemical and electrical properties of a battery type in charge and discharge mode. Other features include high data resolution and options for meeting high safety standards for operators. The real-time computing process of the application software BatSim perfectly matches the internal timing of the DC power supply. Therefore, an optimum computing rate is achieved leading to very short response times even in cases of steep changes in charge/discharge currents. Each battery type reacts in a specific manner to charge and discharge currents in terms of state of charge, cell voltage, ohmic and parametric losses, and polarization effects. These dependencies are considered by specific mathematical models used in the REGATRON BatSim software/firmware. The operator can fine tune the model with several well-defined parameters to adjust the simulation to a user’s requirement.

Models of the following battery types are available for configuration: Li-ion, lead-acid, NiMH, and NiCd.

Battery Testing

As a battery tester the G5.UNV series has an exceptional electrical performance that offers several advantages for battery testing applications:

  • Accuracy of <0.02% FS
  • Additional high-resolution current measurement ranges from -10 to 10% FS
  • Current rise time in the 50…200 µs range
  • Parameterizable to avoid overshoot
  • Current ripple modulation up to 10 kHz

In addition, the G5.UNV provides important features for user safety, power supply, and battery protection. It avoids:

  • Reverse-polarity problems
  • Arcing and high inrush current when connecting the battery to the DC terminals even at unmatched voltage levels
  • Deep battery discharge at voltage off state (DC port impedance >10 MΩ)

The application software BatControl allows selecting and running so-called BatScripts. These scripts automate the manually given commands to the G5 Battery Tester and allow the running of these commands according to defined schedules:

  • Define charge and discharge algorithms
  • Run drive cycles (according to own or already defined standards)
  • Repeat previously recorded discharge/charge data

Fuel Cell Simulation

For use as fuel cell simulator the G5.UNV series utilizes the integrated AAP function. The AAP application area programming feature allows to set the DC output voltage or current or power as a function of any of the input values IDC, UDC, or PDC. The functional relationship is given by a user-defined curve whose values are managed by CSV import/export. In this way, a wide variety of nonlinear electrical two-pole networks can be defined, e.g., photovoltaic arrays or fuel cell curves. As an example, Figure 4 shows the typical fuel cell characteristics with a voltage/current dependence. Embedded calculation on board the G5.UNV assures real-time simulation.

TestG5.UNV Series as P-HIL Power Amplifier

Power-hardware-in-the-loop (P-HIL) simulation integrates physical hardware and software models in a closed-loop simulation, offering versatile opportunities to investigate the behaviour of complex systems at different parameter settings.

A typical P-HIL setup includes a fast real-time computer driving a power amplifier. The G5.UNV series is best suited for this purpose due to its high dynamics and a fast analog port. Time analog-in to DSP: <50 μs


Maximum speed or minimum overshoot? Figure 5 shows that the dynamic parameters of the G5.UNV series can be easily adapted to a specific task.

G5.Control Software
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