VIAVI PathTrak WebView WebView Server WebView Server JDSU_PATHTRAK_WEBVIEW PathTrak WebView TMG Test Equipment
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VIAVI PathTrak WebView WebView Server

VIAVI PathTrak WebView WebView Server
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VIAVI PathTrak WebView WebView Server

WebView Software, version 2.0

JDSU understands that while increased workforce efficiency is vital to deploying VoIP faster, maintaining network security is of equal importance. PathTrak WebView software addresses these challenges by allowing remote access to the most-used troubleshooting tool—the live spectrum analyser—and to beneficial performance history reports via the Internet. By accessing live spectrum views and generating reports from outside the corporate LAN, operators can remotely troubleshoot upstream issues.

One of WebView software's most unique advantages is the ability to automate the node certification process, replacing the manual process that currently consumes valuable resources, manpower, and time. With customers' demand for rapid deployment of VoIP services, fast, accurate node certification becomes even more critical. WebView calculates and ranks the RF upstream performance of the nodes, and it provides a quantitative ranking from worst to best of each node's performance over a user-specified timeframe. This takes the guesswork out of node certification and eliminates manual searches through other monitoring systems and trouble ticket data. And, it allows operators to prioritize their workforce more efficiently once the software isolates nodes that need attention.


  • Decreased time spent analyzing and troubleshooting trending data, enabling efficient prioritization of plant maintenance.
  • Automated daily reports, such as VoIP node certification reports, display top offender nodes, enabling prioritization of field maintenance.
  • Open MySQL database permits remote access to measurement data by reporting and analysis tools for the creation of node certification and performance history reports.
  • National views available via one Web page as well as segmented views based on each user's related nodes.
  • Remote access to PathTrak performance history data and live spectrum views.
  • Unlimited users vs. maximum of 30 simultaneous PathTrak clients.
  • Node search by name.


  • Rank node RF upstream performance based on quantitative test data gathered by PathTrak.
  • Drill down to review live and historical details on a node-by-node basis.
  • Access the live return spectrum analyser data from virtually any PC via Internet Explorer to reduce MTTU (mean time to understand) and MTTR (mean time to repair).
  • Give individual remote users full control of measurement parameters such as dwell time, resolution bandwidth, and video bandwidth.
  • Compare past RF network performance to other element management error reports.

Key Features

  • Reduced troubleshooting and fault location times.
  • Web-based access via Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.
  • Password protected entry from Internet Explorer browser.
  • Customer choice to place behind the firewall.
  • VPN for secure viewing of WebView data.
  • Web-based remote spectrum analysis.
  • Economical, scalable system.
  • Customized and flexible creation of historical data reports.
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